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The Top 3 Things to do With Your License Plates When You Sell Your Car

The Top 3 Things to do With Your License Plates When You Sell Your Car

There is a lot of information about what you need to do to sell a car. But what do you do with the license plates? Should you keep them? Dispose of them? Leave them with the car?

What Does a Rebuilt Title Mean When Purchasing a Car?

What Does a Rebuilt Title Mean When Purchasing a Car?

While purchasing a car with a rebuilt title is perfectly acceptable, there are several reasons why you should avoid it if at all possible. 

The Best Pre-Purchase Inspection Checklist and Why You Need One Before Buying a Car

The Best Pre-Purchase Inspection Checklist and Why You Need One Before Buying a Car

You’ll want to have a mechanic inspect any car you buy. Take that opportunity to discuss whether he offers a pre-purchase inspection. There are 5 general categories that the mechanic will examine. Each grouping will have a detailed checklist of its own. 

5 Tips for Living in Your Car: How to Live in Your Car During the Winter

5 Tips for Living in Your Car: How to Live in Your Car During the Winter

There are several reasons why someone may choose to live in their car. In fact, it's becoming quite the trend on social media, thanks to the hashtag #vanlife and #homeiswhereyouparkit. While it may be trendy for some, for others, it's a necessity, leading to well over 2 billion search inquires for "tips for living in your car" on Google alone. 

When is the Best Time to Sell Your Car

When is the Best Time to Sell Your Car

Not quite sure when the best age to sell a car is? There isn’t any. However, that doesn’t mean your car’s age won’t impact how much you get for it. If you ask anyone in the business, you will get the same answer, “you want to sell it sooner rather than later.” So, if there is no best age to sell a car, when is the best time to do so? 

The Best Car Safety Tips for Autumn

The Best Car Safety Tips for Autumn

Have you tried trekking during autumn and realize how slippery wet leaves are? Well, the risk of losing car control is higher when you drive on uncleared roads. Nevertheless, all circumstances become manageable when you follow car safety tips for autumn.

Have Engine Problems from the Rain? Check the 6 Signs of Water Damage

Have Engine Problems from the Rain? Check the 6 Signs of Water Damage

It’s a real pain, especially if you’re driving in the rain wrong. You’re probably even stuck with a wet engine right now and don’t know what to do. Don’t worry, you can still undo the damage! We’ll help you figure out how to fix your engine so it can be up and running again.

6 Wrong Ways to Drive in the Rain

6 Wrong Ways to Drive in the Rain

Driving while it’s raining is risky. Even moderate rainfall causes motor oils to hit the road, thus reducing the traction of your tires. Then, there is the human factor. The pouring rain affects how well the driver sees the road. To an extent, drivers lose focus as their mind wanders off to the many possibilities the rain may cause.

6 Things to Consider Before Buying Old Car Parts at a Junkyard

6 Things to Consider Before Buying Old Car Parts at a Junkyard

When you are researching the old car parts you need for your repair or DIY project, make sure you take adequate time to educate yourself on how to spot fake parts, similar parts (that will and will not work for you), and how to eyeball an old car part for any damages. 

Seasonal Tires: When to Put on Snow Tires

Seasonal Tires: When to Put on Snow Tires

To most consumers, a tire is a tire. It helps the car move from point A to point B. However, to an enthusiast, you understand the significant difference between standard tires and seasonal tires. 

How to Find the Best Car Insurance for An Elderly Person

How to Find the Best Car Insurance for An Elderly Person

When you want to purchase and/or alter an elderly person’s driver’s insurance plan, there are not only several factors to consider but also dozens of options. Given these, how do you find the best car insurance for senior drivers? Let’s dive into how!

How to Choose Tires: Know the Key Differences Between Car Tires and Trail Tires

How to Choose Tires: Know the Key Differences Between Car Tires and Trail Tires

Believe it or not, automotive tires do have a value to them, so it’s essential to consider them when buying or selling a car. Tire value  should also be kept in mind while shopping for new tires. 

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