What to Do with Junk Car: Some Expected and Unexpected Ideas

It can be tough to determine what to do with junk car. All you know is that its an eyesore and would much better off being somewhere else. For many, this may mean that they should sell it, for others it means that they should be a little creative with it.
It essentially depends on the type of person you are and what options you think that you have available to you. Here, we'll break down some of these options and what you're bound to get out of them.
Hopefully, you'll be able to discern what you should do you with your non-running vehicle, or just one that you don't want to deal with.
Donate it for a Tax Write Off
You shouldn't find it hard to donate a car to charity. There are very many programs that exist in basically every part of the country. If it works, you can donate it to several military donation programs. These programs offer vehicles to veterans who need to get around. They're generally pretty great and they can genuinely make you feel good.
In addition to these programs, you can donate them to others who aren't military but still give you a tax write off. It depends on a few factors on how much you can write off, so you'll want to look into that if you ultimately decide to go that route.
However, we think that you should always do your homework and assure that the donation service is on the up and up. Any charity that isn't a 501(c)(3) is unable to give you a tax write off. So, if you donate to them, you're essentially just lining their pockets so they can turn around and sell it.
Junk it for Cash (Whole or Parts)
Truth be told, most people find that junk my car services are more than likely a route worth going. Most of this has to do with the fact that the car can get the cash in hand in just a few hours. These services work pretty simply.
You call up a company, you tell them information about your vehicle, and they give you a quote.
If you accept the quote, they'll come to your house, pick the car up, and give you money for your vehicle. The amount that you get depends on a few factors, though the price usually includes the condition of the car, the make and model, and the weight of the vehicle. Some companies use different criteria, though this is a good starting point.
Call a few companies to see if you can get a pretty decent price, and they do well by those who are wondering what to do with a junk car without title.
Trade it In
If you don't know what to do with junk car, you may find that it could be time to buy a new car! While you may not get top dollar for your junk car, you can get something. It can be applied to your new vehicle and this will save you a certain amount of money.
Also, when you do it this way, you're getting it off of your hands and letting someone else deal with the problem. You won't have to sift through buyer emails, texts, or calls. This means that you don't have to deal with people who are going to not show up, low-ball you, or even towing the vehicle. The dealership owns the car now, so they can make arrangements!
Get Creative
If you're wondering what to do with a junk car without title, you may find that your issues are a bit more limited. It's true that a lot of people will want a title if they're going to buy it, and we respect that. If you find that getting a title is more trouble than it's worth, you may want to get creative.
If you have the land and the inclination, you may want to do turn it into something of an art installation. If your city is open to it, you can have it to be a decorative piece on your property, whether it's cutting it and painting it or creating a natural habitat for creatures on your property.
If done correctly, you'll find that it's not a nuisance and you're doing something right by the environment, giving you a potentially responsible option on what to do with junk car. Have some fun with it, don't fret about what to do with junk car.
What to Do with A Junk Car without Title? Pay it Forward
Instead of donating to a government association, you can always just give it away to a local school. While you may not find that every school has shop programs like they had in the past, you may be able to find a mechanic's school who are willing to take on the vehicle. They're almost always looking for cars, and if you have an issue wondering what to do with junk car, they may be a godsend.
These students are some of the most important in our country, and we will always need them to fix our vehicles when they break down. What's a better way to give back than to give them something to work on. We think that this is a pretty cool thing because many people don't consider this. Don't be one of those people!
Recycle Parts
Wondering what do do with a junk car without a title? Why not part it out? If you're something of a tinkerer and love taking things apart, you've probably already have thought of this. There's a good chance that everything on the car isn't ruined. Break out the tools and start stripping it. Tires generally have more than one use in them. The same can be said for some of the stuff under the hood.
It doesn't hurt to sit down and figure out what you can use and go to town. It's your car and it can be pretty therapeutic getting some of that stuff out before you ultimately send it to a scrap yard.
All in all, there are plenty of things that you can do when considering what to do with junk car. Before you hit up one of those "we buy junk car without title" places, get your brain working to see what other options that you have. We absolutely endorse junk car buyers, but we also suggest everyone think out of the box.