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USjunkCars Blog

6 Things to Consider Before Buying Old Car Parts at a Junkyard

6 Things to Consider Before Buying Old Car Parts at a Junkyard

When you are researching the old car parts you need for your repair or DIY project, make sure you take adequate time to educate yourself on how to spot fake parts, similar parts (that will and will not work for you), and how to eyeball an old car part for any damages. 

Seasonal Tires: When to Put on Snow Tires

Seasonal Tires: When to Put on Snow Tires

To most consumers, a tire is a tire. It helps the car move from point A to point B. However, to an enthusiast, you understand the significant difference between standard tires and seasonal tires. 

How to Find the Best Car Insurance for An Elderly Person

How to Find the Best Car Insurance for An Elderly Person

When you want to purchase and/or alter an elderly person’s driver’s insurance plan, there are not only several factors to consider but also dozens of options. Given these, how do you find the best car insurance for senior drivers? Let’s dive into how!

How to Choose Tires: Know the Key Differences Between Car Tires and Trail Tires

How to Choose Tires: Know the Key Differences Between Car Tires and Trail Tires

Believe it or not, automotive tires do have a value to them, so it’s essential to consider them when buying or selling a car. Tire value  should also be kept in mind while shopping for new tires. 

Safety Tips for Taxi Drivers and Passengers: How to Protect Yourself During the Coronavirus

Safety Tips for Taxi Drivers and Passengers: How to Protect Yourself During the Coronavirus

While many safety tips are floating around to help keep drivers and passengers safe, a lot of people question the legitimacy of these tips. If you’re wondering, “Is Uber safe?”

Save Some Serious Money: 3 Reasons to Sell Old Cars Instead of Fixing Them

Save Some Serious Money: 3 Reasons to Sell Old Cars Instead of Fixing Them

As the car begin to age, it can become rather expensive to try and not only find but repair certain parts of an aging vehicle. So, instead of holding on to what could be, considering saving some serious cash by selling your old car. Find how to do that!

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